part of and the In the Middle, a Chimera exhibition at Milieux
MAY 8 2022, at Milieux Institute, VPS, Concordia University
Cyborg Interfaces – body modification as voice
If I could scream
Demo and discussion by Idun Isdrake in collaboration with Nil Null.
Demo of a cyborg interface followed by an open discussion about cyborgs, body modification connected to identity, neurodiversity, selective mutism and trauma from not being heard. The work includes planetary accountability and co-creation with non-human entities, some which are silenced as well, like melting ice bergs. THE DISCUSSION WILL BE RECORDED (there will be seats available outside camera range and the room will be dark).
– Cyborg interface instrument designed and developed by Idun Isdrake in different stages since 2016. Current and previous collaborators: Nil Null (vocals and additional code 2022), Max Björverud (code, electronics 2017), Håkan Lidbo (audio 2017). The instrument is based on NFC implant technology (near field communication) and can only be accessed with consent from the artist as the interaction and powering of the chip happens within 1 cm from their skin. Most of the implants are from Dsruptive and implanted at the piercing and tattoo studio Eds Kroppskonst in Sweden. Isdrake currently has 10 small implants located on their hands and chest where games and other audiovisual arts can be accessed, as well as a conceptual framework for assistive tech through an artificial scream.
– Video projection by director/editor/photographer Idun Isdrake, with drone operator Hafthór Ódinsson, and artificially generated images through the AI Art Machine notebook by Hillel Wayne.
– Audio by Idun Isdrake generated from recordings and data of melting ice, borrowed human voices and nerve signals. Screams by Nil Null. Seismic data collected by Douglas Macayeal, supported by the US National Science Foundation. Nerve signals recorded by Idun Isdrake with Malin Björnsdotter Åberg and colleagues at the Institute of Neuroscience, Gothenburg.